
Please refer to the Essential Stanford Software website to download software at no-cost, including common productivity applications such as Microsoft Office, Microsoft OneDrive for Business, Google Drive, Box, Dashlane Password Manager, Qualtrics Survey Tool, and Zoom.

Stanford University maintains enterprise licenses of various software applications, providing low-cost to no-cost access for Stanford affiliates.

Adobe Creative Cloud License

Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Acrobat licenses are available for Stanford-affiliates at a heavily discounted rate using direct PTA payment through Stanford's Software Licensing Webstore. Affiliates must have a PTA with sufficient funding to purchase a license. Those without a PTA or sufficient funding in their PTA may not purchase a license at the discounted rate.

How to Purchase an Adobe Creative Cloud License

Click the "Software Licensing Web Store" Button
After authenticating in, click “Adobe” tab underneath Stanford/search bar

Note: This whole site will time-out if left alone for too long.

You should see “Adobe Named User License” underlined (not "shared device”)

At the bottom, Click Adobe Creative Cloud icon.

On next page, click add-to-cart button.

Note: Starting here you may notice an “important message” which is only about migrating your media already stored on Adobe cloud. If you worked off of Adobe’s cloud before with a personal Adobe ID, this applies (showing you how to migrate the media); if not, you can ignore. This same message appears a few times.

Fill out the PTAO and other info, including your Stanford email

The Department’s Org code is PDFJ.

Project (P):
Task (T):
Award (A):
Task Org (O): PDFJ

Account Authorized signer name/phone:  This refers to the “Organization Account”, not the Adobe Account, meaning it’s the PTA’s approver  (Inge Klaps, 6507250139)

Faculty/PI or Manager Contact Name: Inge Klapsiklaps [at] (iklaps[at]stanford[dot]edu)

The $160 is direct-charged to your PTA.

Receive email with a "Get Started" button

After your order is complete and approved, you should get an email with a “Get Started” button.

Click, and sign in, where you want to always pick “Sign in with Enterprise ID” option.  Use the email address you entered earlier for purchase.